Unveiling the Hidden Meanings of Jerusalem’s Destruction in 70 AD – Echoes of Egypt, Sodom, and Noah

It’s important to understand why the Book of Revelation draws comparisons between the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, Egypt, Sodom, and the days of Noah. These comparisons serve as significant and symbolic references, all pointing to the necessity of a divine escape for God’s believers in Christ.

In Revelation, we find a vivid portrayal of impending cataclysmic events. To grasp the full meaning of these comparisons, we must delve into the parallel narratives.

**1. Egypt:** When we think of Egypt in biblical history, we recall the Israelites’ enslavement. God miraculously delivered them from bondage through the leadership of Moses. Similarly, Jerusalem was on the brink of a terrible siege, and just as the Israelites needed to escape Egypt to find salvation, believers in Christ were instructed to flee Jerusalem to escape impending doom.

**2. Sodom:** The city of Sodom is infamous for its wickedness and ultimate destruction by fire and brimstone. Lot and his family were warned to escape before the city’s judgment fell. Likewise, the followers of Christ were given signs and warnings by Jesus himself, instructing them to flee Jerusalem when they saw certain indicators of the impending destruction.

**3. Days of Noah:** Jesus, in his teachings, likened the days leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem to the days of Noah. In the days of Noah, the world was corrupt, and God’s judgment came in the form of a great flood. Noah and his family, who found favor with God, were preserved in the ark. This parallel signifies that God’s believers in Christ needed to find a place of safety during the impending crisis, which was their escape from Jerusalem.

**Biblical Support:**

– *Matthew 24:15-16 (KJV)*: “When ye, therefore, shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains.”

– *Revelation 11:8 (KJV)*: “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.”

These references highlight the urgency of heeding the signs and warnings given by Jesus. The comparisons to Egypt, Sodom, and the days of Noah emphasize the importance of escape as a means of salvation for believers in Christ. The Book of Revelation, along with the teachings of Jesus, make it clear that God’s protection and deliverance were available to those who trusted in Him and followed His guidance during those tumultuous times.