Signs that Follow Believers: Understanding Mark 16:17-18 in the Context of Full Preterist New Covenant Belief

In Mark 16:17-18 (KJV), Jesus spoke profound words to His disciples, assuring them that certain signs would accompany those who believe in His name. Let’s explore this scripture and its deeper implications within the framework of Full Preterist New Covenant belief.

“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name, they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:17-18, KJV)

Now, before we embark on a journey to understand these signs, it’s essential to clarify that these verses encompass spiritual meanings, rather than literal actions. We won’t be handling actual snakes or drinking poison. Instead, these signs delve into the spiritual realm.

Let’s begin by identifying the serpents mentioned in this passage. To fully grasp this concept, we turn to the Old Testament scriptures. In Deuteronomy 32:33 (KJV), Moses describes the corrupt and perverse generation that would come, labeling their teachings as “the poison of serpents.” This poison, in essence, represents the lies and deception propagated by corrupt leaders.

Isaiah 59:5 (KJV) and Psalms 140:3 (KJV) further emphasize the venomous nature of these deceivers, who used their tongues to spread harm among the people.

In the New Testament, John the Baptist and Jesus Himself identified these corrupt leaders as a “brood of vipers” (Matthew 3:7 and Matthew 12:34, KJV). They were the ones responsible for poisoning the minds and hearts of the people with their deceitful teachings.

Now, let’s connect the dots. When Jesus spoke of believers taking up serpents, He wasn’t referring to handling physical snakes but rather confronting the lies and deceptions of these corrupt leaders. Believers were empowered to expose and overcome the spiritual poison of false teachings.

Moreover, drinking anything deadly without harm symbolizes the resilience of believers in the face of these deceitful doctrines. Placing our faith in Christ shields us from the harm these lies can inflict on our souls.

Additionally, laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover signifies the healing power of the Gospel message, which brings freedom from the mental and spiritual sickness caused by the deception of the corrupt generation.

In Acts 2:40 (KJV), Peter urged the people to be saved from this perverse generation. It’s a call to embrace the truth and escape the clutches of falsehood.

When we study these scriptures in light of Full Preterist New Covenant belief, it becomes evident that Jesus’ words in Mark 16:17-18 were a message of hope and assurance to His disciples, assuring them that their faith in Him would protect them from the poison of lies and deception perpetuated by the corrupt generation.

Ultimately, the crushing of the serpent’s heads in AD70, signified by the fall of the temple and Jerusalem, marked the victory of Christ over the deceitful teachings of the adversary. They lost their poisonous bite, becoming powerless to harm those who stood firm in their faith in Christ.

In conclusion, dear believer in Christ, these signs in Mark 16:17-18 invite us to understand the spiritual battles and victories that occur in our faith journey. We are called to stand strong in Christ, boldly confront falsehood, and trust that His truth will prevail.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you as you continue to navigate your path of faith.