Questions to ponder concerning this verse:

Revelation 1:1 KJV
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass.”

What did God give to him?
Who is the him?
Who are his servants ?
When was this to be shown?
When are they to come to pass?
What things must shortly come to pass?


Did you arrive with similar answers In Revelation 1:1 KJV?

1. What did God give to him? – God gave Jesus Christ the revelation.

2. Who is the him? – “Him” refers to Jesus Christ.

3. Who are his servants? – “His servants” are the followers or disciples of Jesus Christ.

4. When was this to be shown? – It was to be shown in the past, during the time of the author of Revelation, traditionally believed to be John the Apostle, which would have been in the first century AD.

5. When are they to come to pass? – The events mentioned in the revelation were to come to pass shortly after it was given, suggesting a near-future fulfillment.

6. What things must shortly come to pass? – The verse indicates that the things revealed in the book of Revelation were to happen in the near future from the perspective of the first-century audience, which includes various prophetic and apocalyptic events. All of these events were fulfilled in the first century, such as the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple in AD 70.