Paul One of the Twelve: The Twelfth Apostle in the Foundation, Christ: The Cornerstone of the New Covenant

In the establishment of the early Christian Church, the foundational figures hold profound significance. Among the apostles chosen by Christ during His earthly ministry, Paul stands as a remarkable figure, not numbered among the original twelve, yet undeniably vital in shaping the doctrinal and spiritual landscape of the New Covenant Church.

### Paul’s Unique Calling and Contribution

The initial twelve apostles were chosen directly by Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry (Matthew 10:2-4). Following the betrayal and death of Judas Iscariot, Matthias was chosen by lot not by Christ, to fill the vacancy among the eleven (Acts 1:23-26), restoring the number to twelve.

However, Paul’s calling into apostleship occurred distinctively after Christ’s ascension. On the road to Damascus, Paul encountered the resurrected Christ in a transformative experience (Acts 9:1-19). Though not part of the original twelve, Paul was commissioned as an apostle by Jesus Himself (Acts 9:15) and received extensive revelations and teachings directly from Him (Galatians 1:11-12).

### Paul’s Role in the Foundation

The Apostle Paul, referred to as a ‘wise master builder,’ played a foundational role in shaping the New Covenant Church (1 Corinthians 3:10). While acknowledging his unique calling and ministry, Paul humbly recognized Christ as the ultimate cornerstone of the Church: “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11).

### Christ: The Cornerstone

Throughout Scripture, Christ is symbolically depicted as the cornerstone—the essential stone that holds the entire structure together (Ephesians 2:20). His teachings, sacrificial death, and resurrection form the cornerstone of Christian faith and doctrine, serving as the unifying force for believers across time and space.

### Harmonizing Paul and the Eleven Apostles

Though not originally numbered among the twelve, Paul harmonizes with the foundational framework laid by the apostles. His extensive missionary journeys, prolific writings (forming a significant portion of the New Testament), and profound theological insights contributed indispensably to the doctrinal fabric of the early Church.

### Conclusion

In the New Covenant Church, Paul emerges as a pivotal figure, harmonizing with the foundational apostles and contributing significantly to the doctrinal edifice. However, the ultimate cornerstone, holding the entirety of this spiritual structure together, remains Jesus Christ Himself.

The combination of Paul’s teachings and the foundational work of the eleven apostles, all anchored in the person and teachings of Christ, forms the enduring cornerstone upon which the New Covenant Church stands—an unshakeable foundation of faith, grace, and salvation.

This understanding elevates Paul’s role in the foundation while reverently acknowledging Christ as the cornerstone—the bedrock upon which the Church is built, ensuring its unity, strength, and endurance throughout the ages.