Jesus, the True Israel: Shadows of the Old Testament and Christ as the Fulfillment

In the grand tapestry of the Bible, one of the most profound and beautiful threads we can follow is the connection between the Old Testament and the New, where the shadows of the past find their fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ. To understand this divine design, we must explore the concept of Jesus as the true Israel.

The Sonship of Israel and Jesus

In the Old Testament, we encounter Israel as God’s “firstborn son” (Exodus 4:22). This metaphorical relationship signifies God’s special love and calling for the nation of Israel. However, in the New Testament, Jesus is directly referred to as God’s Son, as we hear the divine declaration during His baptism, “This [Jesus] is my Son, whom I love” (Matthew 3:17). This is a powerful indication that Jesus embodies the true essence of Israel.

The Exodus Parallel

The Exodus is a pivotal event in the Old Testament. God called the nation of Israel out of Egypt, signifying a new beginning and a divine covenant. In the New Testament, we witness a parallel as Jesus, too, is called out of Egypt, fulfilling the prophetic statement, “Out of Egypt I called my son” (Matthew 2:15). This occurrence is not merely coincidental but rather a deliberate fulfillment of Old Testament shadows through Jesus.

Baptism and Passing through Waters

Israel, as a shadow, was symbolically baptized as they passed through the Red Sea and under the cloud (1 Corinthians 10:1-2). Similarly, Jesus underwent baptism in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, who can be seen as the Old Testament equivalent of Moses (Matthew 3:13-15). This act was a profound way for Jesus to fulfill the righteousness established in the Old Testament shadow of Israel’s baptism.

The Wilderness Experience

The forty-year wilderness journey of Israel served as a shadow of Jesus’ own experience. Just as Israel wandered for forty years, Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness, facing temptation (Matthew 4:1-2). This connection not only highlights the faithfulness of Jesus but also signifies the fulfillment of Israel’s journey through His own.

The Manna and the Temptation

Israel was sustained by manna in the desert until they reached the Promised Land (Exodus 16:35). Similarly, during His wilderness temptation, Jesus relied on spiritual nourishment, using quotes from the book of Deuteronomy, reflecting Israel’s time in the wilderness (Matthew 4:4,7,10). Jesus not only fulfilled the role of the true Israel but also demonstrated perfect obedience to God’s Word.

Jesus’ Interpretation of the Law

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus took the Law and interpreted it to the people, revealing its true intent. This mirrors Moses’ role when he first gave the Law from Mount Sinai (Exodus 24). Through this, Jesus fulfilled the law and emphasized His divine mission.

The Covenant of Blood

In the Old Testament, Moses ratified the covenant with the twelve tribes through blood (Exodus 24:8). In the New Testament, Jesus instituted the new covenant through His blood, poured out for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28). This signifies Jesus as the true mediator of the new covenant, surpassing the Old Testament shadows.

Further Shadows Fulfilled

The connections between the Old Testament shadows and Jesus as the true Israel are not limited to these points. From being the Vine, the Seed of Abraham, the source of a holy nation, and even the fulfillment of various Old Testament prophecies, Jesus emerges as the true embodiment of Israel.

In conclusion, Jesus is the true Israel, the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan and promises. The present nation of Israel, formed in 1948, is a geopolitical entity with its significance, but the true Israel is found in Jesus Christ. His life, death, and resurrection not only fulfilled Old Testament shadows but also paved the way for the redemption and salvation of all believers. In embracing Him, we become a part of the new covenant, becoming heirs of the promises made to Abraham and participating in the divine fulfillment found in Jesus, the true Israel.