Questions to ponder concerning this verse:

Matthew 24:34
“Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”

Who is Jesus talking to?
Who are the “you”?
Who are “this generation”?
What shall not pass?
Until what is fulfilled?
What are “all these things”?

Did you arrive to similar answers:

In Matthew 24:34:

1. **Who is Jesus talking to?**
– Jesus is addressing His disciples in the context of the Olivet Discourse, which includes Matthew 24.

2. **Who are the “you”?**
– The “you” refers to the disciples He was speaking to directly.

3. **Who are “this generation”?**
– “This generation” is understood to refer to the generation of people alive during Jesus’ earthly ministry.

4. **What shall not pass?**
– The statement “shall not pass” suggests that the generation alive during Jesus’ time would not pass away or physical die out until…

5. **Until what is fulfilled?**
– The implication is that this generation would continue to exist until all the events and prophecies mentioned in Matthew 24 were fulfilled.

6. **What are “all these things”?**
– “All these things” encompasses the various events and signs Jesus predicted in Matthew 24, including the destruction of the Jerusalem temple, the persecution of the early Christians, and His coming in judgment. Full Preterists believe that these events were fulfilled in the first century, primarily in the events surrounding the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.